What is the new rate for a Sexy Grammar session? $222 for a one-hour video session, which includes up to 10 pages of manuscript review.
How does this affect my current series of sessions? Not at all! Your current pre-paid series stays on track, with the same expiration date and no new charges.
Want to stock up on sessions at your current rate? Between now and the spring equinox, current Sexy Grammar writers may purchase sessions at any old rate. (You must use any old-rates sessions before the end of 2022.)
How does this affect my next series or session purchase? Because you are a current client, today’s rate change does not affect you until the spring equinox, 3/21. It’s my way of saying thanks for being a devoted Sexy Grammar writer. I do want to complete old-rate sessions by the end of the year, so any series you purchase at old rates expires on New Year’s Eve 2022.
Can I still get a package deal? Yes! The new series rate is $1000 for 5 sessions, with a six-month expiration date.
I usually buy single sessions. When does my rate change? You can continue to purchase single sessions at the old á la carte rate of $175 until the spring equinox, 3/21, but you may want to consider stocking up at an even better rate now.
Between now and the spring equinox, 3/21, current Sexy Grammar writers may purchase sessions at any old rate. (You must use any old-rates sessions before the end of 2022.)
What if the new rate creates a hardship for me? Loyalty to my community comes first. With this rate change comes my first-ever Social Justice Community Rate for writers who earn below the US median income. If you think you might qualify, let me know.
You quoted me $175 in our recent free initial session. Do I still get the quoted rate? Yes! Showing up for your free first session qualifies you as a current client. Between now and the spring equinox, 3/21, current Sexy Grammar writers may purchase sessions at any old rate. (You must use any old-rates sessions before the end of 2022.)
I’m so happy for you for raising your rates! Thanks for saying so. And thanks so much for investing in Sexy Grammar and for your devotion to the art of writing. With this rate change comes my first-ever VIP Daddy Rate, which subsidizes my Social Justice Community Rate for writers who earn below the US median income. VIP Daddy Sexy Grammar Writers get teacher’s-pet privileges and the prideful glow of uplifting another writer who needs support. Are you feeling the glamorous VIP vibe? Drop me a line, Daddy.
Can I get another peek at those overcomplicated old rates?
single session $175
4-pack $650 ($50 off or $163/session)
6-pack $950 ($100 off or $158/session)
8-pack $1250 ($150 off or $156/session)
10-pack $1550 ($200 off or $155/session)
12-pack $1850 ($250 off or $154/session)